A lot of customers always ask me how much is Outcall Massage. The Outcall Massage service itself is about $100-300/hr for each session in Las Vegas depends on what kind of massage services and how far is your location. The prices are not usually negotiable because it covers the basic fees for the Asian girl to come to your room such as the transportation, the time that travels to your room as well as the massage session in your room. 

The Tipping is negotiable and that is totally up to you. It’s hard to unwind at the massage session when all you’re thinking about is how much to tip. Here’s how much gratuity to give your massage therapist.

Since tips are standard for massage therapists, you should assume the tip in any massage or spa treatment is between you and them. Not sure? When in doubt, always ask, who says tipping is always appreciated.

Asian Massage Outcall Las Vegas